Lookouts, backroad beauty and old stone home

Day 10 Winter shoot 6000km in 14 days

Below you will find a detailed description of the route as seen through the eyes of its creator to give you firsthand knowledge of the type of experiences available along this route The Below map is for reference guide only with interactive info on locations along the route.

A fully interactive and directional guide map is available with the Road Trips printable detailed itinerary for $5 using the below button



1. MIRANDA TO HANCOCKS LOOKOUT 40.8km (35min) just 7km up Hancocks Lookout Rd off the Horrocks Pass Rd
Picnic on the mountain tops, with a view for miles of Spencers Gulf and the Port Augusta area. Hancocks Lookout is a free camp spot as well but with no toilets. Located at the top of the historic Horrocks Pass(The pass was named after the explorer John Horrocks who descended through the pass in 1840 on his ill-fated journey north.)  
The change in landscape colours is brilliant, and I love the old stone buildings in the area.


We found this one just off the main road….it was also the place we met….Mel`on! (wild vine fruit) melon spent the rest of the trip with us, soft toys discarded for the small smooth round ..fruit. kept the kids entertained while playing spot the melon while we looked for a companion….Yep, and now imagine the trauma when we woke one morning to find little melon split open…yep.
**This building unfortunately is believed to have since gone.**
Rustic old stone building on rich red outback soil
Just before the town of Orroroo, there are some massive Gumtrees well worth a look. Just 350m off 4847 Willowie rd. And in town, there are some interesting rural Sculptures. Rustic stone buildings are in abundance in SA. Even worth a cruise around the back streets of such small outback towns

3. ORROROO TO PETERBOROUGH 36.3km (24min) Saint Cecilia Heritage Mansion Hotel – 2 Callary st

Peterborough was voted(family vote) to have the best town signs 


4. STEAM TOWN – 2 Telford Ave, Peterborough SA 5422. The Light and sound show at Steam Town was to me a little more than a glorified video with some flashing lights at the end. History buffs would love it, and the story was told well.
However, the best moment of the night was to find our little boy but up, methodically looking under our car with his torch(he had been doing this a few nights now)”What you doin B?”, to which he responded  “checking for penguins!!!”. Could not stop laughing all the way to the convent(accommodation) You see, on leaving the penguin parade some 5 nights or so ago the rangers told us to check for penguins before we leave, good to see he actually listens sometimes.
And it is worth doing the heritage walk around Peterborough. Again so many rustic, character-filled charming buildings surrounded by outback colours.


Artists reference material photo of an old stone house
Artists reference photo of an old stone house beside a gumtree

5. 229 ON MAIN CAFE – 229 Main St, Peterborough SA 5422

Another great little find. The old Capital theatre has been turned into the most amazing showcase of memorabilia cafe. 

Photo from Peterborough council page

Now here is where it gets interesting our accommodation was at Saint Cecilia Heritage Mansion Hotel
Where they used to do haunted tours 
**Currently being renovated**
The house is kept beautifully in period, and built in 1812.  Below are our supposed ghost presence during our stay (we slept well) the images were taken only a few seconds after each other, you decide



NEXT: Historic Railway Stations, Wedged Tail Eagles, and Underground Hotels