Morven to Charleville
The clash of humans and wildlife at times merge well, leaving us in awe of these creature’s. Unfortunately this is not always the case, what we sore on this stretch of road is unforgivable.
The early morning walk brought about an interesting soccer match, and interesting town guests at our first break stop. However that was the last of pleasant images of our countries icons for this stretch. As we turned onto the Warrego Hwy you could smell them before you could see them, the road stained with blood and Kangaroo bodies in some places as far as you can see……we were almost in tears at the start of this track, but so prevalent the carnage that by the end the kids were numb to the sight and now almost look expectantly at the sight. Yes some amount of road kill becomes expectant, and unavoidable at times, but this is the worst stretch of road for road kill I have ever seen and hope to never see again. They say it’s all the road trains travelling at night……maybe they shouldn’t be ????
The stench arising from the scorched tarmac,
a graveyard
no, slaughterhouse stretch.
A soft fur paving like no other
Moments pause for the dark stretch of light from Morven to Charleville.
A startling vision of reality,
Civilization scaring the outback.
Not wanting to leave you with such images in your thoughts I want to share with you a magical sight, peacefully wandering through the Longreach camp site.
NEXT: Charleville to Longreach and the Stockman’s hall of Fame